The user credentials (the hashed password) that the hcpd daemon uses in LPA credentials is defined in the following format.
Format : <username>:<hash_method>:<hash_value>
The user name is set in username.
hash_method is set as the way to create the authentication information from the below options.
- md5
- sha
- sha224
- sha256
- sha384
- sha512
The hashed string which was transformed following the formula below is set in hash_value.
hex_string ( hash_function ( <user input password> ) )
hex_string is a function to transform binary data to hexadecimal string.
hash_function is the digest function set in hash_method.
This string can be generally created by using the operating system tool as below.
$ echo -n my_password | openssl dgst -md5
(stdin)= a865a7e...93bea4
Example :
# password is "password01"