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Confirm if It Works After Installation

Enter a command for HCP tools, e.g., hcp-ls, along with the host name or IP address of the server at a command prompt of a client computer. And then input your username and password, following interactive messages. Here is an example of the hcp-ls command to get a list of files and directories on the server.

[local_user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls hcp.server.example.comLogin as:user //Enter your user name at's password: // Enter a password of the user// TODO list of files and directories[local_user@localhost ~]$ echo $?0 // The command which run is successfull.

In the same way, the hcp command can upload a local file to the home directory on the remote server.

[local_user@localhost ~]$ echo "The first remote copy example." > example.txt[local_user@localhost ~]$ hcp example.txt as:user's password:[local_user@localhost ~]$ echo $?0

The hcp-ls command shows the result of uploading. With the -o option, file attributes are also shown.

[local_user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls -o "-l" Interactive text on the username and password omitted.// TODO result[local_user@localhost ~]$ 

Then you can also download the remote file at the server to another local file using the hcp command.

[local_user@localhost ~]$ hcp Interactive text on the username and password omitted.[local_user@localhost ~]$ cat first remote copy example.