File Processing Code
Processing results such as file transfer may be output with Reason code listed in the table below as the standard output or a file, e.g. .hcp.out. Reason code ranges from 0 to 65536 and shown in Hexadecimal (16 bit).
Reason code (Hexadecimal) | name | description |
0000 | NO_ERROR | succeeded |
0001 | ALREADY_DONE | it was already executed |
2C01 | NOT_MODIFIED | the file was not updated |
2C02 | NOT_DIFFERENT | no file difference |
2C03 | NOT_PERMITTED | the processing was not permitted |
2C04 | NOT_CONFIRMED_OVERWRITE | overwriting was not permitted |
2C05 | NOT_CREATED | it was not created |
2C06 | MODIFIED | already modified |
2C07 | DIFFERENT | files are different |
2C08 | MODIFIED_SIZE_IDENT | identical in modified date and time and size |
2C09 | NOT_EXISTING | dose not exist |
2C0A | EXISTING | files existing |
2C0B | NOT_MATCH_COND | dose not meet conditions to process |
2C0C | DELETED | it was deleted |
2C0D | NOT_DELETED | it was not deleted |
2C0E | NO_CONTENT_OPERATED | content of files was not processed |
2C0F | EXCLUSION_MATCH | meet conditions to exclude processing |
2C10 | NON_REG_FILE | non-regular file |
2FFD | DELETE_EXCLUDED | files to exclude were deleted |
2FFE | APP_MAX_EXCEEDED | exceeded limit by application |
2FFF | APP_SKIP | skipped by application running condition |
9001 | UNKNOWN_ENCODING | it is an unknown encoding method |
9002 | UNKNOWN_BCIPH | it is an unknown cipher method |
9003 | UNKNOWN_COMPR | it is an unknown compression method |
9004 | AUTH_REQUIRED | authentication is necessary |
9005 | FILE_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND | file entry was not found |
9006 | FILE_ENTRY_ERROR | file entry error |
9007 | FIND_FILE_ERROR | file search error |
9008 | AUTH_FAILED | authentication failure |
9009 | NEG_FAILED | negotiation failure |
900A | KEY_EXHG_REQUIRED | security key exchange is necessary |
900B | APP_NOT_SUPPORTED | applications (commands) are not supported |
9FFB | SESS_IDLE_TIMEOUT | session idle timeout |
9FFC | UNEXP_TERM | unexpected tremination |
9FFD | APP_ABORT | abortion by an application |
9FFE | SESS_ABORT | abortion by a session |
9FFF | FILE_REQQ_FULL | file queue shortage |
A001 | FILE_NOT_FOUND | the file was not found |
A002 | FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS | the file already exits |
A003 | FILE_ACCESS_DENIED | the file access was denied |
A004 | DIGEST_ERROR | data integrity check error |
A005 | WRITE_ERROR | writing file error |
A006 | CREATE_DIR_ERROR | creating directory failed |
A007 | CREATE_LINK_ERROR | creating link failed |
A008 | READ_ERROR | reading file error |
A009 | IS_DIR | the directory was detected |
A00A | IS_NOT_DIR | the directory wasn’t detected |
A00B | RENAME_ERROR | file rename error |
A00C | DELETE_ERROR | file deletion error |
A00D | FILE_IDENT | file identification error |
A00E | OP_NOT_PERMITTED | opreation is not permitted |
A00F | MODIFY_ERROR | file attribute modification error |
A010 | CANNOT_OVERWRITE_DIR | cannot overwrite directories |
A011 | CANNOT_OVERWRITE_NON_DIR | cannot overwrite non-directory |
A012 | DEST_IS_NOT_DIR | the destination is not a directory |
A013 | OMIT_DIR | directory omitted |
A014 | TMP_FILE_SETUP_ERROR | temporary file making error |
A015 | TMP_FILE_FIX_ERROR | temporary file fixing error |
A016 | CREATE_DEVICE_ERROR | device creation error |
A017 | CREATE_SPECIAL_ERROR | special file creation error |
A018 | CANNOT_DEL_NON_EMPTY | cannot delete non-empty dir |
AFFD | MISS_LAST_MODIFIED | the file update confirmation request miss |
AFFE | FILE_OUT_OF_DOC_ROOT | file access outside the document root |
AFFF | FILE_SIZE_OVER_LIMIT | the file size exceeded the maximum |
B001 | BUSY | the server is busy |
B002 | CONNECT_FAILED | the connection failed |
B003 | REFUSED | the server denied |
BFF8 | INCOMPATIBLE_FEATURE | incompatible feature |
BFF9 | RL_ABORT | aborted by the resource limits |
BFFA | INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO_VERSION | the protocol is incompatible |
BFFB | SETUP_FAILURE | the setup failed |
BFFC | NET_UNAVAIL | the network is unavailable |
BFFD | DISK_FULL | the disk is full |
BFFE | SESS_NOT_FOUND | the session was not found |
BFFF | PROTO_ERROR | protocol error |
FFFD | GC_ABORT | abortion by GC (the process stops and etc) |
FFFE | INTERNAL_ERROR | internal error |
FFFF | GENERAL_ERROR | general error |