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File Processing Code

Processing results such as file transfer may be output with Reason code listed in the table below as the standard output or a file, e.g. .hcp.out. Reason code ranges from 0 to 65536 and shown in Hexadecimal (16 bit).

Reason code (Hexadecimal)namedescription
0001ALREADY_DONEit was already executed
2C01NOT_MODIFIEDthe file was not updated
2C02NOT_DIFFERENTno file difference
2C03NOT_PERMITTEDthe processing was not permitted
2C04NOT_CONFIRMED_OVERWRITEoverwriting was not permitted
2C05NOT_CREATEDit was not created
2C06MODIFIEDalready modified
2C07DIFFERENTfiles are different
2C08MODIFIED_SIZE_IDENTidentical in modified date and time and size
2C09NOT_EXISTINGdose not exist
2C0AEXISTINGfiles existing
2C0BNOT_MATCH_CONDdose not meet conditions to process
2C0CDELETEDit was deleted
2C0DNOT_DELETEDit was not deleted
2C0ENO_CONTENT_OPERATEDcontent of files was not processed
2C0FEXCLUSION_MATCHmeet conditions to exclude processing
2C10NON_REG_FILEnon-regular file
2FFDDELETE_EXCLUDEDfiles to exclude were deleted
2FFEAPP_MAX_EXCEEDEDexceeded limit by application
2FFFAPP_SKIPskipped by application running condition
9001UNKNOWN_ENCODINGit is an unknown encoding method
9002UNKNOWN_BCIPHit is an unknown cipher method
9003UNKNOWN_COMPRit is an unknown compression method
9004AUTH_REQUIREDauthentication is necessary
9005FILE_ENTRY_NOT_FOUNDfile entry was not found
9006FILE_ENTRY_ERRORfile entry error
9007FIND_FILE_ERRORfile search error
9008AUTH_FAILEDauthentication failure
9009NEG_FAILEDnegotiation failure
900AKEY_EXHG_REQUIREDsecurity key exchange is necessary
900BAPP_NOT_SUPPORTEDapplications (commands) are not supported
9FFBSESS_IDLE_TIMEOUTsession idle timeout
9FFCUNEXP_TERMunexpected tremination
9FFDAPP_ABORTabortion by an application
9FFESESS_ABORTabortion by a session
9FFFFILE_REQQ_FULLfile queue shortage
A001FILE_NOT_FOUNDthe file was not found
A002FILE_ALREADY_EXISTSthe file already exits
A003FILE_ACCESS_DENIEDthe file access was denied
A004DIGEST_ERRORdata integrity check error
A005WRITE_ERRORwriting file error
A006CREATE_DIR_ERRORcreating directory failed
A007CREATE_LINK_ERRORcreating link failed
A008READ_ERRORreading file error
A009IS_DIRthe directory was detected
A00AIS_NOT_DIRthe directory wasn’t detected
A00BRENAME_ERRORfile rename error
A00CDELETE_ERRORfile deletion error
A00DFILE_IDENTfile identification error
A00EOP_NOT_PERMITTEDopreation is not permitted
A00FMODIFY_ERRORfile attribute modification error
A010CANNOT_OVERWRITE_DIRcannot overwrite directories
A011CANNOT_OVERWRITE_NON_DIRcannot overwrite non-directory
A012DEST_IS_NOT_DIRthe destination is not a directory
A013OMIT_DIRdirectory omitted
A014TMP_FILE_SETUP_ERRORtemporary file making error
A015TMP_FILE_FIX_ERRORtemporary file fixing error
A016CREATE_DEVICE_ERRORdevice creation error
A017CREATE_SPECIAL_ERRORspecial file creation error
A018CANNOT_DEL_NON_EMPTYcannot delete non-empty dir
AFFDMISS_LAST_MODIFIEDthe file update confirmation request miss
AFFEFILE_OUT_OF_DOC_ROOTfile access outside the document root
AFFFFILE_SIZE_OVER_LIMITthe file size exceeded the maximum
B001BUSYthe server is busy
B002CONNECT_FAILEDthe connection failed
B003REFUSEDthe server denied
BFF8INCOMPATIBLE_FEATUREincompatible feature
BFF9RL_ABORTaborted by the resource limits
BFFAINCOMPATIBLE_PROTO_VERSIONthe protocol is incompatible
BFFBSETUP_FAILUREthe setup failed
BFFCNET_UNAVAILthe network is unavailable
BFFDDISK_FULLthe disk is full
BFFESESS_NOT_FOUNDthe session was not found
BFFFPROTO_ERRORprotocol error
FFFDGC_ABORTabortion by GC (the process stops and etc)