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Feature Changes

1.3.5_42023/4/12RPM Install to a non-default place, RPM Install by non-privileged users
1.3.4_32023/3/1AuthorizedKeysFile extension, PrivateKeyFile extension, AuthorizedKeysCommand extension, hsync --auto-rerun, AutoResumeTrialInterval default change, Application output modification
1.3.3_42022/12/06Windows Server 2019 support, Raspberry Pi OS 11 support (Pi 4 Model B), hcpd AuthorizedKeysCommand support, PuTTY v3 key support, AuthorizedKeyFile/AuthorizedKeySearchDir name change, AuhorizedKeyFile/AuthorizedKeySearchDir ignoring (none) option added
1.3.2_62022/10/13RHEL(AlmaLinux) 9 support, Ubuntu 22.04 support, openSUSE Leap 15.3/15.4 support, Application output modification, AES/GCM support, xxHash support, hmv/hln/hchmod/hchown variable expansion support, Detail output of command version's info. (-VV option), WS/WSS version output added, Cryptopp 8.7.0 update, No timeout on hcpd/hcpd_winserv IdleTimeout, Client supports previous server (1.2.9)
1.3.1_122022/07/12Extension of the synchronization function (hsync), hrm multiple paths setting, Support for Include relative paths for client configuration files, English manual, Linux supplementary group support, Server backward compatibility support, Extended --config-test output ways on clients, Proxy DIRECT support for WebSocket, Improved the proxy authentication banner display
1.3.0R2_492022/03/31Linux supplementary group support
1.3.0_422021/11/30Transport multiple connection support, WebSocket support, Access control function for POSIX users and groups, Default authentication way for undefined users was added, The daemon starts in installing by hcpd RHEL installers, Ignoring line feed and blank at the end of hcpd license keys, hcpd IPv6 support, CryptoPP 8.6.0 update, The hchmod function, The hchown function, The hsync function, Umask setting function, Run as default on a client, when a configuration file is not found, Default configuration changes, Setting item name changes, Command option specification change, A revision of the configuration file for the initial installation, The command rule change that multiple parameters with a line break allow adding more parameters than the maximum, The path name rule change that strings of user names are available at the beginning of their user path, including remote hosts, Client --config-option added, The function to create random numbers for suffixes and prefixes supported AtomicLikeSaving, The path name rule change that the remote hostname can be skippable in inputting a remote host path