RPM Install the software into a non-default place
When installing, please specify the following options.
Example:[user@localhost ~]$ sudo rpm -ivh --relocate /=/usr/local/archaea_tools --badreloc bytix-archaea-tools-1.4.4-19.el9.x86_64.rpm
You can go to use clients without any such changes.
When uninstalling, you just make it in a normal way with specifying package names.
Do not specify --relocate and --badreloc.
Example:[user@localhost ~]$ sudo rpm -e bytix-archaea-tools
When commands are installed on non-default place, their help options (-V) shows the following information about the place.
[user@localhost bin]$ ./hcp-ls -Vhcp-ls client (hcp-ls) 1.4.4_19 / Linux (HpFP2 WSAPI WS 4.2.0-1)Installed prefix: /usr/local/archaea_tools (/usr/local/archaea_tools/usr/bin/hcp-ls)
In cases where any prefix is not detected.
[user@localhost temp_bin]$ ./hcp-ls -Vhcp-ls client (hcp-ls) 1.4.4_19 / Linux (HpFP2 WSAPI WS 4.2.0-1)Command placed at : /home/user/archaea_tools/temp_bin/hcp-ls