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RPM Install the software by non-privileged users

When installing, please specify the following options.


Installation registry information will be saved at the place specified by the --dbpath option that is a directory where you want to save the information.

Example:[user@localhost ~]$ rpm -ivh --nodeps --dbpath=/home/user/rpm --relocate /=/home/user/archaea_tools --badreloc bytix-archaea-tools-1.4.4-19.el9.x86_64.rpm

When uninstalling, please specify the following options.


* Do not specify --relocate and --badreloc.

Example:[user@localhost ~]$ rpm -e --nodeps --dbpath=/home/user/rpm bytix-archaea-tools

For clients, you need the following packages on your system.

libicu, openssl, zlib

You can confirm them by --qa option of the rpm command.

Example:[user@localhost ~]$ rpm -qa | grep -E -e "^(libicu|openssl|zlib)-"libicu-67.1-9.el9.x86_64openssl-pkcs11-0.4.11-7.el9.x86_64libicu-devel-67.1-9.el9.x86_64openssl-libs-3.0.1-43.el9_0.x86_64openssl-devel-3.0.1-43.el9_0.x86_64openssl-3.0.1-43.el9_0.x86_64zlib-1.2.11-35.el9_1.x86_64zlib-devel-1.2.11-35.el9_1.x86_64
[user@localhost ~]$ find /usr/lib64 | grep -E -e "^/usr/lib64/lib(icudata|icuuc|pam|crypto|ssl|z)Â¥."/usr/lib64/