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Server Setting Files

HCP tools provides the following configuration files on the server.

File NameFile Path in DefaultImportant Configurations
System configuration files of hcpd (or hcpd_winserv) daemon/etc/hcp/hcpd.conftransport services (TCP/HpFP), server security, authentication, logging, statistics and tuning parameters
C:/ProgramData/Clealink/HCP Tools/hcpd.conf
HCP tool's users file/etc/hcp/usersauthentication methods, UID/GID, home directories, etc - hcpd (or hcpd_winserv) daemon will use this file to recognize users or override credential information of them.
C:/ProgramData/Clealink/HCP Tools/users
LPA (Local Password Authentication) credentials file/etc/hcp/passwdcredentials used by LPA like hashed password string - It supports MD5, SHA1 and SHA2 algorithms. You can also generate them by OpenSSL utility.
C:/ProgramData/Clealink/HCP Tools/passwd
Service description file for systemd daemon/usr/lib/systemd/system/hcpd.service
PAM authentication configuration file/etc/pam.d/hcpd