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The users that the hcpd daemon can authenticate or it modifies how to authenticate are defined in the following format below.

Format : [!]<username>:<auth_methods>:[<mapping_uid>]:[<mapping_gid>]:[<hpfp_cong_modes>][:umask <umask_val>[ <dir_umask_val>]]:[<home_dir>]

In the username, the user name is described. Characters except for separators are available. Even a string that dose not exist as any system user (a user name specific for HCP tools) can be specified. Entries starting with an exclamation mark β€˜!’ tells hcpd to reject authentication of users corresponding to the entries.

In the auth_methods, the user available authentication methods can be described successionally by delimiting with commas (,) as follows.

  • LPA
  • PAM
  • RSA
  • WLU

UID for the user is described in mapping_uid. When not described, it is inquired to the system using the user name.

GID as the primary group for the user is described in mapping_gid. And GIDs of supplemental groups are described in mapping_sgid by delimiting with commas (,).

One of the 3 user available congestion control modes, such as MODEST, FAIR_FAST_START,or AGGRESSIVE (or each abbriviation, M, F ,or A) on HpFP transport is set as hpfp_cong_modes.If the mode isn’t set,default is FAIR mode.

umask_val specifies a umask value that you want to apply to the user. When this option is set, the value of PrivilegeSeparationUmask will not be applied to the user. If you set different values for files and directories respectively, plese use dir_umask_val specifying a value to be applied to directories. When any value of this option is not set like β€œβ€¦:umask:…”, hcpd consider the option is not set and apply a value of PrivilegeSeparationUmask to the user. Please see the description of PrivilegeSeparationUmask for how the umask_val and dir_umask_val work.

home_dir shows this home directory. If not described, hcpd queries the system about it by the user name.

--Example :hcp_user:LPA,RSA:1000:1000::/home/useruser:PAM::::user:PAM::::umask 0007:user01:PAM::1000,967,10::--