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Client Command Setting Items (hcp)

Setting Item List#

The setting items for the hcp commands are below. (Except for the common settings with the client commands)

Retransmission Function

DescriptionConfiguration Name
Number of auto resuming trialsAutoResumeTrials
Interval time between trials (in seconds)AutoResumeTrialInterval

System Operating Environment Settings

DescriptionConfiguration Name
Including setting filesInclude
cp/synchronizationn settingUseProperCopyAndSync

Retransmission Function#


=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : AutoResumeTrials <num-trials>-------------------------------------------------------------------------num-trialsDefault : -1Range of Values : signed integer=========================================================================

This option specifies a number of trials of auto resumes. -1 indicates unlimited number of trials. When 0 is set, hcp will stop without resuming.

--Example:AutoResumeTrials 5--


=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : AutoResumeTrialInterval <trial-interval>-------------------------------------------------------------------------trial-intervalDefault : 30Range of Values : unsigned integer=========================================================================

This option specifies an interval of waiting for the next auto resume in seconds.

--Example:AutoResumeTrialInterval 10--

System Operating Environment Settings#


=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : Include <file-path>-------------------------------------------------------------------------file-pathDefault : noneRange of Values : path string of file system=========================================================================

The file written the common configurations among client commands is done “Include”. “Include” can be written anywhere in the hcp.conf. The value of Include is overwitten.“Include” can’t be nested.

--Example :Include /etc/hcp/hcp-common.conf--

When you specifies file-path in a relative path, the software tries to find it as a file path relative from the file where you describe the Include statement.


=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : UseProperCopyAndSync <flag-available>-------------------------------------------------------------------------flag-availableDefault : noRange of Values : yes, no=========================================================================

When it comes to copy or synchronization, it is controlled to follows the cp or rsync command policy.

Copy behaviors are mainly changed into the following.

  • When a source directory is specified and the destination path exists as specified, the same name directory as the source is created in the destination, and the files are copied under the directory.
  • When a source directory is specified and the destination path doesn’t exist as specified, the same name directory as the destination path is created in the destination, and the files are copied under the directory (the same name directory as the source is not created).
  • In overwriting, in the case that the file types are not coincident between source and destination (ex: a file name in the source is a directory name in the destination,) it shows an error message with the reason code (CANNOT_OVERWRITE_DIR or CANNOT_OVERWRITE_NON_DIR)
  • When a directory is specified in the source without the -R option (recursive copy), it shows an error message with the reason code, OMIT_DIR.
  • When plural paths are specified in the source and the destination path is not a directory, it stops executing the command with the reason code, DEST_IS_NON_DIR.
  • When the source may include plural files (a directory, or Wild card, or with regular expression options,) and also the destination path exists but is not a directory, it stops executing the command with the reason code CANNOT_OVERWRITE_NON_DIR.

When synchronizing, the followings are the major behavior changes.

  • When a directory is specified in the source, and the path doesn’t have a trailing slash (/), the same name directory as one in the source is created in the destination path directory (if not exist, newly created), where the file is copied.
  • When a destination directory is specified, and the path also has a trailing slash (/), the file is copied in the destination path’s directory.(if not exist, newly created).
  • フWhen the file types are not coincident between source and destination in overwriting (ex: a file name in the source is a directory name in the destination), it is overwritten after deleting the file or directory in the destination.
  • When a directory is specified in the source without the -R option (recursive copy), the command is skipped with the reason code, OMIT_DIR.However, the command result is not recorded as an error (the exit status 0).
  • When the source may include plural files (a directory, or Wild card, or with regular expression options,) and also the destination path exists but is not a directory, it stops executing the command with the reason code CANNOT_OVERWRITE_NON_DIR.
--Example :UseProperCopyAndSync yes--