Client Command (hcp-ls)
The hcp-ls command gets the file list on the remote servers (server or hcpd server).
Basic FormatThe basic format is as follows.
Usage: hcp-ls [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST[:PORT][:FILE] [:FILE]... or: hcp-ls [OPTION]... --host=HOST [--port=PORT] [--user=USER] [FILE]...
Option ListThe options for the hcp-ls commands are below.
File List Acquisition
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
Set the flag to query command names | q | query-cmdname |
Set the command option | o | cmd-options |
Set the remote host | host | |
Set the remote port | port |
Selectable Communication Method Function
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
The HpFP protocol | hpfp | |
The port-separation UDP(HpFP) protocol(deprecated) | udp |
Congestion Control
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
Congestion control modes in the HpFP protocol | hpfp-cong |
Data Flow Control, Message Data Size Control
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
MSS(Maximum Segment Size) in the HpFP protocol | hpfp-mss |
Data Flow Control, Data Buffer Setting
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
Set the sending buffer size for the HpFP protocol | hpfp-sndbuf | |
Set the receiving buffer size for the HpFP protocol | hpfp-rcvbuf |
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
Specify a username first and file list acquisition | user | |
Specify a password first and file list acquisition | password |
Various Monitorings
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
Investigation mode starts (deprecated) | investigation |
Log Management
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
Specify an application log output destination | log-file | |
Specify various statistics log output destinations | stat-log-file | |
Specify an execution record output destination | hcp-out | |
Start in the multiple-run mode | multi-run |
Software Information Update
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
Check the application version | V | version |
Check the configuration and input parameters | config-test | |
Display the command help | h | help |
System Operating Environment Settings
Description | Short Name | Option Name |
Setting form a path of the configuration file | config-file | |
Make configuration from command line | config-option |
Please refer to the hcpd command section on the following option.
Please refer to the hcp command section on the following option.
--hpfp, --user, --password, --config-file, --config-option, --log-file, --stat-log-file,--udp, --hpfp-cong, --hpfp-mss, --hpfp-sndbuf, --hpfp-rcvbuf, --multi-run
File List Acquisition#
q, query-cmdname=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -q | --query-cmdname=========================================================================
Command names on the command list operated on servers are queried. Either of the following commands is shown.
- ls (Linux)
- dir (Windows)
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls -q ...--
o, cmd-options=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -o <options> | --cmd-options=<options>-------------------------------------------------------------------------optionsDefault : noneRange of Values : parameter option for the ls or dir command.=========================================================================
The command options are set. When they include the blank or โ-โ, it should be quote.
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls -o "-al" ...--
host=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : --host=<remote-host>-------------------------------------------------------------------------remote-hostDefault : noneRange of Values : IP address or host name=========================================================================
The destination remote host is specified, which is applied to the path for the listed target. With this parameter, the host name can be abbreviated.
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls --host= ...--
port=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : --port=<remote-port>-------------------------------------------------------------------------remote-portDefault : noneRange of Values : port number=========================================================================
The service port number for the destination remote host is specified, which is applied to the path for the listed target.
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls --port=1874 ...--
Log Management#
hcp-out=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : --hcp-out=<output-path>-------------------------------------------------------------------------output-pathDefault : noneRange of Values : path string of file system=========================================================================
The file to output the execution record of file list acquirement is set. The execution result of the list is always output as standard output.
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls --hcp-out=- ...--
Software Information Uupdate#
V, version=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -V | --version=========================================================================
The hcp-ls command version is shown.
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls -Vhcp-ls client (hcp-ls) 1.2.11_7 / Linux (HpFP2
config-test=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : --config-test=========================================================================
Display the input parameters for the hcp-ls command and the configuration information.
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls --config-test...
Number of Logical Processors : 2Number of Physical Processors : 2
Command parameters query-cmdname : disable cmd-options : - host : disable port : disable hpfp : disable (TCP used) version : disable config-test : enable help : disable user : disable password : disable config-file : disable log-file : disable stat-log-file : disable hcp-out : - [.hcp.out] multi-run : disable no-earlier-serv-compat : disable
Configuration parameters PubkeyAuthentication : yes WinLogonUserAuthentication : yes PAMAuthentication : yes LocalPasswordAuthentication : yes RequireServerCertificateSecurity : yes RejectFallbackServerCertificateSecurity : yes IgnoreCertificateCNInvalid : yes IgnoreCertificateDateInvalid : no IgnoreUnknownCA : no IgnoreRevocation : no CompressLevel : -1 HeaderCompress : yes ContentCompress : yes OCSPRevocationEnabled : yes StrictHostKeyChecking : ask ApplicationStatLog : yes Rotation[size=no:0:0, pattern=no:] TransportStatLog : no Rotation[size=no:0:0, pattern=no:] PrivateKeySearchDir : - [/etc/hcp/keys] PrivateKeyFile : - [~/.hcp/id_rsa] CACertificateFile : - [/etc/hcp/cacert.pem] CACertificatePath : - CARevocationFile : - [/etc/hcp/crl.pem] CARevocationPath : - ProtocolVersion : 2 MaxConcurrentThread : 0 UDPTransportExtensionBufferSize : 2147483648 MaxRequestFileEntryAtOnce : 50 MaxReceiveFileSize : unlimited MaxSendFileSize : unlimited MaxBufferSize : 1073741824 MaxReceiveRate : 10000000000 MaxSendRate : 10000000000 InitHeaderBlockSize : 51200 InitContentBlockSize : 51200 MaxHeaderBlockSize : 51200 MaxContentBlockSize : 51200 TransportTimeout : 180 FileLock : no FileLockTrials : 0 FileLockTrialInterval : 3 AcceptableCryptMethod : AES256/GCM AES256/CTR/VMAC AES256/CBC AES128/CBC [Intel:AES-NI=yes] AcceptableDigestMethod : XXH3 SHA256 SHA160 DisableDataIntegrityChecking : no AcceptDataIntegrityCheckingOnRejection : yes TransportCharEncoding : UTF8 HostEncoding : UTF8 ApplicationLog : INFO no Rotation[size=no:0:0, pattern=no:] PubkeyAuthenticationPrior : yes ApplicationStatLogSecurityEx : yes--
h, help=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -h | --help=========================================================================
The hcp-ls command help line is shown.
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hcp-ls -h--