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Client Command (hmv)

The hmv commands are used to transfer files or directories to and from the remote server or hcpd server.

Basic Format#

The basic format is as follows.

Usage: hmv [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST[:PORT]:SOURCE :DEST   or: hmv [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST[:PORT]:SOURCE [:SOURCE]... :DIRECTORY   or: hmv [OPTION]... --host=HOST [--port=PORT] [--user=USER] SOURCE DEST   or: hmv [OPTION]... --host=HOST [--port=PORT] [--user=USER] SOURCE... DIRECTORY

Option List#

The options for the hmv commands are below.

File Move

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
Force overwriting in the destinationfforce
Interactive overwriting in the destinationiinteractive
Prohibited overwriting in the destinationNno-overwrite
Set the remote hosthost
Set the remote portport

Selectable Communication Method Function

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
The HpFP protocolhpfp
The port-separation UDP(HpFP) protocol(deprecated)udp

Congestion Control

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
Congestion control modes in the HpFP protocolhpfp-cong

Data Flow Control, Message Data Size Control

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
MSS(Maximum Segment Size) in the HpFP protocolhpfp-mss

Data Flow Control, Data Buffer Setting

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
Set the sending buffer size for the HpFP protocolhpfp-sndbuf
Set the receiving buffer size for the HpFP protocolhpfp-rcvbuf


DescriptionShort NameOption Name
Specify a username first and file moveuser
Specify a password first and file movepassword

Various Monitorings

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
Investigation mode starts (deprecated)investigation

Log Management

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
Specify an application log output destinationlog-file
Specify various statistics log output destinationsstat-log-file
Specify an execution record output destinationhcp-out
Start in the multiple-run modemulti-run

Software Information Update

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
Check the application versionVversion
Check the configuration and input parametersconfig-test
Display the command helphhelp

System Operating Environment Settings

DescriptionShort NameOption Name
Setting form a path of the configuration fileconfig-file
Make configuration from command lineconfig-option

Please refer to the hcpd command section on the following option.


Please refer to the hcp command section on the following option.

--hpfp, --user, --password, --config-file, --config-option, --log-file, --stat-log-file, --udp, --hpfp-cong, --hpfp-mss, --hpfp-sndbuf, --hpfp-rcvbuf, --multi-run

File Move#

f, force#

=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -f | --force=========================================================================

When the same file or directory exists in the destination, it is overwiten.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv -f ...--

i, interactive#

=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -i | --interactive=========================================================================

When the same file or directory exists in the destination, a confirmation for overwriting it is taken place.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv -i ...--

N, no-overwrite#

=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -N | --no-overwrite=========================================================================

When the same file or directory exists in the destination, the process is skipped without overwriting.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv -N ...--


=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : --host=<remote-host>-------------------------------------------------------------------------remote-hostDefault : noneRange of Values : IP address or host name=========================================================================

The remote host in the destination is specified. It is used for the path to set the source and the destination. With this parameter, the hostname of this parameter can be abbreviated.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv --host= ...--


=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : --port=<remote-port>-------------------------------------------------------------------------remote-portDefault : noneRange of Values : port number=========================================================================

The service port number for the remote host of the destination is set.It is also used for the path to identify the source and destination.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv --port=1874 ...--

Log Management#


=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : --hcp-out=<output-path>-------------------------------------------------------------------------output-pathDefault : noneRange of Values : path string of file system=========================================================================

The file to output the execution record of moving directories is set.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv --hcp-out=- ...SRC0 0000 FM 00000001 /home/user/Desktop/hcp_hmv01.txtOK 0000 FM 00000002 /home/user/Desktop/hcp_hmv02.txtEXIT 0 REASON 0000[user@localhost ~]$ --
--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv --hcp-out=- ...--

Software Information Update#

V, version#

=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -V | --version=========================================================================

The hmv command version is shown.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv -Vhmv client (hmv) 1.2.11_7 / Linux (HpFP2


=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : --config-test=========================================================================

The available parameter for the hmv commands and the configuration information are output.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv --config-test...
Number of Logical Processors  : 2Number of Physical Processors : 2
Command parameters force     : disable interactive     : disable no-overwrite     : disable host     : disable port     : disable hpfp            : disable (TCP used) version        : disable config-test      : enable help           : disable user           : disable password       : disable config-file     : disable log-file        : disable stat-log-file        : disable hcp-out        : - [.hcp.out] multi-run        : disable no-earlier-serv-compat : disable
Target source:
Target destination:
Configuration parameters PubkeyAuthentication             : yes WinLogonUserAuthentication       : yes PAMAuthentication                : yes LocalPasswordAuthentication      : yes RequireServerCertificateSecurity : yes RejectFallbackServerCertificateSecurity : yes IgnoreCertificateCNInvalid       : yes IgnoreCertificateDateInvalid     : no IgnoreUnknownCA                  : no IgnoreRevocation                 : no CompressLevel                    : -1 HeaderCompress                   : yes ContentCompress                  : yes OCSPRevocationEnabled            : yes StrictHostKeyChecking            : ask ApplicationStatLog               : yes Rotation[size=no:0:0, pattern=no:] TransportStatLog                 : no Rotation[size=no:0:0, pattern=no:] PrivateKeySearchDir              : - [/etc/hcp/keys] PrivateKeyFile                   : - [~/.hcp/id_rsa] CACertificateFile                : - [/etc/hcp/cacert.pem] CACertificatePath                : - CARevocationFile                 : - [/etc/hcp/crl.pem] CARevocationPath                 : - ProtocolVersion                  : 2 MaxConcurrentThread              : 0 UDPTransportExtensionBufferSize  : 2147483648 MaxRequestFileEntryAtOnce        : 50 MaxReceiveFileSize               : unlimited MaxSendFileSize                  : unlimited MaxBufferSize                    : 1073741824 MaxReceiveRate                   : 10000000000 MaxSendRate                      : 10000000000 InitHeaderBlockSize              : 51200 InitContentBlockSize             : 51200 MaxHeaderBlockSize               : 51200 MaxContentBlockSize              : 51200 TransportTimeout                 : 180 FileLock                         : no FileLockTrials                   : 0 FileLockTrialInterval            : 3 AcceptableCryptMethod            : AES256/GCM AES256/CTR/VMAC AES256/CBC AES128/CBC [Intel:AES-NI=yes] AcceptableDigestMethod           : XXH3 SHA256 SHA160 DisableDataIntegrityChecking     : no AcceptDataIntegrityCheckingOnRejection : yes TransportCharEncoding            : UTF8 HostEncoding                     : UTF8 ApplicationLog                   : INFO no Rotation[size=no:0:0, pattern=no:] PubkeyAuthenticationPrior        : yes ApplicationStatLogSecurityEx     : yes--

h, help#

=========================================================================Supported OS : Linux / WindowsFormat : -h | --help=========================================================================

The hmv command help is shown.

--Example:[user@localhost ~]$ hmv -h--